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how_route_lacnic_ipv4_block_with_oneprovider [2018/01/24 18:38]
how_route_lacnic_ipv4_block_with_oneprovider [2019/05/31 00:40]
Line 1: Line 1:
 You need **have public IPv4** for the tunnel type in this howto. **One server with BGP session options** and talk to oneprovider to enable the option (it's not free, the price is on demand, here +50€/​month). You need **have public IPv4** for the tunnel type in this howto. **One server with BGP session options** and talk to oneprovider to enable the option (it's not free, the price is on demand, here +50€/​month).
-Our ASN for the exemple is ASN 266671, announced route is:​24,​ oneprovider ASN is 61272+Our ASN for the exemple is ASN 266671, announced route is:​24,​ oneprovider ASN is 9009 
 +Here we use limited MTU to work over PPP (GPON) 
 +PS: 00:​22:​4d:​a4:​3b:​51 from I receive my trafic (MITAC INTERNATIONAL CORP.)
 == Please add a route object from your LACNIC account pointing your range to your ASN 266671. == == Please add a route object from your LACNIC account pointing your range to your ASN 266671. ==
Line 8: Line 12:
 {{:​lacnic-2.png?​direct|}} {{:​lacnic-2.png?​direct|}}
-== /etc/quagga/zebra.conf == +== /etc/bird/bird6.conf == 
-  ​! +  ​router id;​ 
-  ​! Zebra configuration saved from vty +   
-  ​!   ​2017/​12/17 00:41:25 +  ​protocol bgp ONEPROVIDER 
-  ​! +  { 
-  ​hostname XXXX +    local as 266671; 
-  ​password XXXXXXXX +    source address 2A0D:​5600:​X:​2;​ 
-  ​log file /var/log/bgpd.log +    import none; 
-  ​log stdout +    export all; 
-  ​! +    graceful restart on; 
-  ​line vty +    multihop 2; 
-  ​!+    neighbor 2A0D:​5600:​X::​1 as 9009; 
 +  } 
 +  protocol static 
 +  { 
 +    route 2803:1920::/32 via 2A0D:5600:X::2; 
 +  ​} 
 +  ​protocol device 
 +  ​
 +    scan time 5; 
 +  } 
 +== /etc/bird/bird.conf == 
 +    router id;​ 
 +  ​protocol bgp ONEPROVIDER 
 +  ​
 +      local as 266671; 
 +      source address;​ 
 +      import none; 
 +      export all; 
 +      graceful restart on; 
 +      multihop 2; 
 +      neighbor as 9009; 
 +  ​
 +  protocol static 
 +  { 
 +      route   ​​24 via;​ 
 +  } 
 +  protocol device 
 +  { 
 +      scan time 5; 
 +  } 
 +== should show == 
 +    bird> show proto all 
 +    name     ​proto ​   table    state  since       ​info 
 +    ONEPROVIDER BGP      master ​  ​up ​    ​14:​14:​14 ​   Established 
 +    Preference: ​    100 
 +    Input filter: ​  ​REJECT 
 +    Output filter: ​ ACCEPT 
 +    Routes: ​        0 imported, 1 exported, 0 preferred 
 +    Route change stats: ​    ​received ​  ​rejected ​  ​filtered ​   ignored ​  ​accepted 
 +        Import updates: ​             2          0          2          0          0 
 +        Import withdraws: ​           0          0        ---          2          0 
 +        Export updates: ​             1          0          0        ---          1 
 +        Export withdraws: ​           0        ---        ---        ---          0 
 +    BGP state: ​         Established 
 +        Neighbor address: 
 +        Neighbor AS:      9009 
 +        Neighbor ID: 
 +        Neighbor caps:    refresh restart-aware AS4 
 +        Session: ​         external multihop AS4 
 +        Source address: ​  ​ 
 +        Hold timer: ​      ​155/​240 
 +        Keepalive timer: ​ 52/80 
 +    static1 ​ Static ​  ​master ​  ​up ​    ​14:​13:​47 
 +    Preference: ​    200 
 +    Input filter: ​  ​ACCEPT 
 +    Output filter: ​ REJECT 
 +    Routes: ​        1 imported, 0 exported, 1 preferred 
 +    Route change stats: ​    ​received ​  ​rejected ​  ​filtered ​   ignored ​  ​accepted 
 +        Import updates: ​             1          0          0          0          1 
 +        Import withdraws: ​           0          0        ---          0          0 
 +        Export updates: ​             0          0          0        ---          0 
 +        Export withdraws: ​           0        ---        ---        ---          0 
 +    device1 ​ Device ​  ​master ​  ​up ​    ​14:​13:​47 
 +    Preference: ​    240 
 +    Input filter: ​  ​ACCEPT 
 +    Output filter: ​ REJECT 
 +    Routes: ​        0 imported, 0 exported, 0 preferred
 == /​etc/​quagga/​bgpd.conf == == /​etc/​quagga/​bgpd.conf ==
   !   !
-  ​! Zebra configuration saved from vty +  hostname ​hades 
-  !   ​2017/​12/​17 00:41:25 +  password ​Ddnv6ovqSEwtdiL9q89KKAmV
-  ! +
-  ​hostname ​XXXXXXXXXXXX +
-  password ​XXXXXXXXXXXX+
   log file /​var/​log/​bgpd.log   log file /​var/​log/​bgpd.log
   log stdout   log stdout
   !   !
   router bgp 266671   router bgp 266671
-   bgp router-id ​ +   bgp router-id ​ 
-   ​neighbor ​ remote-as ​61272+   ​neighbor ​ remote-as 9009 
 +   ​neighbor 2A0D:​5600:​X::​1 remote-as ​9009
   !   !
 +   ​address-family ipv6
 +   ​network 2803:​1920::/​32
 +   ​neighbor 2A0D:​5600:​X::​1 activate
 +   ​exit-address-family
 +   ​address-family ipv4
    ​network​24    ​network​24
-   ​neighbor ​185.64.105.activate+   ​neighbor ​ activate 
 +   ​exit-address-family
    exit    exit
   !   !
   line vty   line vty
   !   !
 +== /​etc/​network/​interfaces ==
 +  source /​etc/​network/​interfaces.d/​*
 +  ​
 +  # The loopback network interface
 +  auto lo
 +  iface lo inet loopback
 +  ​
 +  # The primary network interface
 +  allow-hotplug eth0
 +  iface eth0 inet static
 +          address​24
 +          gateway
 +          # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed
 +          dns-nameservers
 +          dns-search
 +  ​
 +  #router gateway
 +  ​
 +  auto eth0:0
 +  iface eth0:0 inet static
 +  address
 +  netmask
   ​   ​
-== command == +  ## Ipv6 configuration 
-  ​echo ''​ > /​var/​log/​bgpd.log +  ​iface eth0 inet6 static 
-  mkdir -p /run/quagga +          ​address 2a04:​2180:​0:​2::​12b 
-  chown quagga.quagga /run/quagga /​var/​log/​bgpd.log +          ​netmask 64 
-  /​usr/​sbin/​zebra --daemon -A 127.0.0.-g quagga -u quagga -f /​etc/​quagga/​zebra.conf +          ​gateway 2a04:2180:0:2::
-  sleep 20 +          dns-nameservers 2a04:​2180::​101:​53 2a04:​2180::​102:​53
-  /​usr/​sbin/​bgpd --daemon -A -g quagga -u quagga ​-f /​etc/​quagga/​bgpd.conf+
-== check BGP == +== Setup the tunnel from oneprovider to confiared ​==
-  * vtysh +
-  * show ip bgp summary +
-    * Should show:+
-  ​BGP router identifier ​, local AS number 266671 +  ​/​sbin/​modprobe ipip 
-  ​RIB entries 4, using 448 bytes of memory +  /sbin/ip tu ad confiared mode ipip local ​remote ttl 64 dev eth0 
-  ​Peers 1, using 9088 bytes of memory +  ​/sbin/ip ad ad dev confiared peer​32 
-  ​Neighbor ​       V         AS MsgRcvd MsgSent ​  ​TblVer ​ InQ OutQ Up/Down  State/PfxRcd +  ​/sbin/ip li se dev confiared up 
-  ​    4 61272       ​8 ​      ​9 ​       ​0    ​0    0 00:04:22        ​+  /sbin/ip link set dev confiared mtu 1280 
-  ​Total number of neighbors ​1+  /bin/ping & 
 +  ​/sbin/ip ro ad via 
 +== service script == 
 +  #! /bin/sh 
 +  # Provides: ​        ​uptunnel 
 +  # Required-Start: ​   $remote_fs $time 
 +  # Required-Stop    umountnfs $time 
 +  # X-Stop-After     ​sendsigs 
 +  # Default-Start: ​    3 4 5 
 +  ​# Default-Stop: ​     0 
 +  # Short-Description:​ up tunnel 
 +  # Description: ​      up tunnel 
 +  # 
 +  # Author: BRULE Herman Jacques Roger <​>​ 
 +  # 
 +  # PATH should only include /usr/* if it runs after the script 
 +  PATH=/​sbin:/​usr/​sbin:/​bin:/​usr/​bin 
 +  DESC="​up tunnel"​ 
 +  NAME=uptunnel 
 +  uptunnel=uptunnel 
 +  DAEMON=/​root/​ 
 +  PIDFILE=/​var/​run/​ 
 +  SCRIPTNAME=/​etc/​init.d/​$NAME
-== Setup the tunnel from oneprovider to confiared == +  # Define LSB log_* functions. 
-  modprobe ipip +  . /​lib/​lsb/​init-functions 
-  ip tu ad confiared ​mode ipip local remote ​ ttl 64 dev eth0 +   
-  ip ad ad dev confiared 10.0.0.peer +  case "​$1"​ in 
-  ip li se dev confiared ​up +    start) 
-  ip ro ad​24 via          log_daemon_msg "​Starting $DESC" "​$uptunnel"​ 
 +          start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON 
 +          ;; 
 +    stop) 
 +          log_daemon_msg "​Stopping $DESC" "​$uptunnel"​ 
 +          start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/​30/​KILL/​5 --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON 
 +          ;; 
 +    restart|force-reload) 
 +          $0 stop 
 +          $0 start 
 +          ;; 
 +    try-restart) 
 +          $0 status >/​dev/​null 2>&1 && $0 restart 
 +          ;; 
 +    status) 
 +          status_of_proc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON $uptunnel && exit 0 || exit $? 
 +          ;; 
 +    *) 
 +          echo "​Usage:​ $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|rotate|restart|force-reload|try-restart|status}"​ >&​2 
 +          exit 3 
 +          ;; 
 +  esac 
 +  : 
 +== Setup the tunnel from confiared ​to oneprovider ​== 
 +Add into /​etc/​iproute2/​rt_tables:​ 200 confiared 
 +  ​/sbin/modprobe ipip 
 +  ​/bin/ip tu ad oneprovider ​mode ipip local ​remote ​ttl 64 dev eth0 
 +  ​/bin/ip ad ad dev oneprovider 45.225.75.peer 
 +  ​/bin/ip li se dev oneprovider ​up 
 +  ​/bin/ip link set dev oneprovider mtu 1280 
 +  /bin/ping & 
 +  # real ISP 
 +  /bin/ip ro ad​32 via ISPIPv4Gateway 
 +  # return gateway 
 +  /bin/ip rule add from​24 ​table confiared 
 +  /bin/ip route add default ​via dev oneprovider table confiared 
 +  /bin/ip route add​16 dev eth0 table confiared 
 +== Registring to RIPE == 
 +=== Create a RIPE NCC Access Account === 
 +Create a RIPE NCC Access Account: https://​​registration 
 +=== Create your person/​maintainer object in the RIPE Database === 
 +Create your person/​maintainer object in the RIPE Database: 
 +( please note that before you can create your person/​maintainer 
 +pair you first need to login with your RIPE NCC Access account) 
 +=== Create your autnum object === 
 +Create your autnum object: 
 +Please fill in the AS number you are going to use for the route object(s), an 
 +organisation name, and the nic-handle that you created in your 
 +person/​maintainer object in the admin-c and the tech-c. 
 +=== Create your route object === 
 +Create your route object: 
 +Please fill in your prefix and the AS number and submit.  
 +Your route object will now be visible in the RIPE Database.  
 +Please note that we do not control routing configuration and do not 
 +have an active role in the configuration of the routers and BGP 
 +setting being used. 
 +Entering Route object into the RIPE Database does not automatically 
 +mean those routes will be picked up by the providers/​networks. 
 +Some networks filter and configure their routers automatically using 
 +the RIPE Database Internet Routing registry (IRR). You will need to 
 +make sure your routing configuration is set up correctly.
how_route_lacnic_ipv4_block_with_oneprovider.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/31 00:40 by admin